The volume of the office of Catherine Issert gallery was modeled on a 3D software, then underwent alterations, following a relatively similar process as for the volumes of the “Glitched” series. Here, that glitch has been realized at a 1:1 scale, confronting the viewer’s body and surrounding works directly to the erroneous architectural volume.
On the wall, 6 glass paintings. They seem at first view smooth, clear, precise (// cold), but many scratches, traces of adhesive tape and scales betray the human hand that has made them. (…)
Three electrodes are planted in three different branches of the shrub. Each captures minute electrical changes occurring in the plant. The data are interpreted and translated into wishes to have more / less light in any part, the variations are significantly different according to the light intensity received by the latter and its dominant color (blue or red). Thus, it is the shrub itself that controls the intake light, following an attempt to interpret these electrical signals as self-consciousness.
This installation is based on the researches and works of Friedrich Jürgenson. Former opera singer, painter, he spent the end of his life to research and record the messages that deceased persons would send. In fact, he discovered that we captions better dead at 1485kHz: frequency that now bears his name. [...]